Top Ten Tuesday Four – Top Ten Bookish Boyfriends

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/ meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.

I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw what the topic was for this week.  I just knew it was going to be so much fun to create a list of all of the fictional characters I have had crushes on, and also to see who makes some other peoples lists.  Although, one thing I didn’t realise until I started writing this post was that I suck at explaining why I like these characters so much, so I apologise for the slightly repetitive and not great explanations!

Some of my favourite characters are on this list, so I’m really excited to share them all!

Gansey from The Raven Cycle Header

Gansey was definitely the first person who came to mind when I saw this topic, which may or may not have been a little bit influenced by the fact that I was reading The Raven King whilst first drafting this post.  But nonetheless, Gansey is still very deserving of a spot on this list, as he is just so caring for all of his friends, and just generally one of my all time favourite characters.


Levi from Fangril Header.png

Another one inspired by a recent read of mine, although I was not a hugest fan of Levi at the start of the book, by the end I was so in love with his character.  I love how he never tries to push Cath and accepts her so completely for who she is, but also how he isn’t perfect, and he makes mistakes, but is then able to recognise, apologise and learn from them.

Tony from Brooklyn Header.png

I did not go into this book expecting to come out of it with a new fictional crush, but then Tony came along and that all changed.  He was just always so supportive of Eilis, and was always so optimistic and such a caring person that I just adored so much.


Sean from The Scorpio Races Header.png

Okay, so I think I might have a thing for the boys Maggie Stiefvater writes?

I just couldn’t help falling in love with Sean’s character whilst reading this book, and found him to be such an interesting character who was a very quiet but caring person.  He was just such a good, complex character who I adored reading about.

John McClaren from PS I Still Love You Header.png

As someone who definitely preferred Peter in the first book of this series, when we got introduced to this amazing character in PS I Still Love You, I couldn’t help but root for him instead.  He was just so cute and funny, and I just adored every scene which he cropped up in.


Cricket from Lola and the Boy Next Door Header.png

Quite an old one here, but one that I still adore so much, and is definitely still one of my fictional crushes.  I just remember him being so sweet and caring, and adoring the relationship between him and Lola, and so just had to put him on this list.

Okami from Flame in the Mist Header.png

One of my new favourite characters from one of my new favourite books, honestly I just loved how complex his character and how such a hard exterior masked someone who really cared and loved those closest to him.


Chaol from Throne of Glass Header.png

Finally, I have only currently read the first two books in this series, but I am already so in love with Chaol’s character.  I just adored this quiet, quite secretive character who was so kind and caring to those he cares about.


Who are some of your favourite bookish boyfriends or girlfriends?


20 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday Four – Top Ten Bookish Boyfriends

  1. I am SO with you when it comes to Jon. I disliked Peter a lot for a lot of reasons. It was hard to keep in mind he was a high schooler because Lara Jean (in the second one) seems so much more mature than him!
    I also ADORE Levi. I read it twice last year and kind of feel the need to read it again already!


    1. Exactly, Peter was not so irritating in the second book and I really disliked him because he did seem so immature. I’ve also only just read Fangirl, but already know its going to be one I will be rereading quite a few times in the future 🙂


      1. Yeah, Peter was a lot nicer in the second book, and he actually had quite a good arc over the series. He matures a lot. But I think Jon and Lara Jean are still better together, haa


  2. I am so happy to read this and the comments. I thought I was alone in liking John Mclaren over Peter. Peter seemed like a self adsorbed jock. But I did come to think he really did care for Lara Jean. But John was still way better. Levi was so amazing too. I did read it a few times. Check my Top Ten Tuesday out at Amethyst Blue


  3. Levi is quite popular this week! I’ve seen him on so many lists. I definitely crushed on him while reading Fangirl, but he didn’t make my list this week.

    Check out my Top 10 Book Boyfriends HERE


  4. Maggie Steifvater DOES know how to write wonderful and lovable male characters (well, characters period, really). Sean and Gansy are wonderful! Seeing Stephanie Perkins reminded how dreamy I though St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss was though he does some very questionable things.


    1. Definitely, all of her characters are just amazing! I strangely think I am the minority of people who didn’t love St Clair, especially in Anna, but by the end of the series I had warmed to him a little more at least!


  5. Gansey, Cricket and Levi are all just ADORABLE.. *heart eyes*

    I love this list you put together.. and OMG, your pictures are SO GORGEOUS! You have such a beautiful bookstagram! I’m going to drop you a follow 🙂



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