Top Ten Tuesday Fifty Six – Top Ten Bookish Worlds I Want To Know More About

TTT 35 (6)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/ meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This weeks topic is actually a freebie, and so inspired by one of my recent reads, The Boneless Mercies, I decided to share some bookish worlds that I want to know even more about.  There are so many fictional worlds, both in fantasies and other genres, that I just would love to be able to explore more, especially ones in standalones as we only get one book to discover this new and interesting world.

So here are ten bookish worlds I want to know more about and dive back into!


Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (11)

For a fairly short standalone fantasy novel, this world was so big – I couldn’t believe how many different places and groups of people we got introduced to throughout this story!  I really enjoyed all the little glimpses we got into this world, but I just wanted to know so much more about the different ways of life and the history of this place, so I am very glad that we are getting another story set in this vast world.

Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (12)

This book has such a unique and interesting premise that I would love to be able to explore the implications of the death-cast and the ways it has changed the world further than we get to in this book.  I’d love to get to see what the initial reaction was like when it was first introduced, and also how it has affected the way people live as  well as how they die.


Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (13)

I feel like we only got a small glance into this fantasy world with so many different kingdoms and places to explore within it, and so it is definitely one that I would like to know so much more about.  As with alot of the books on this list, I would love to hear more of the stories and histories of this world, particularly to do with the Sirens, and to just generally explore some of the many places mentioned in this standalone.

Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (20)

One of my favourite aspects of this book was the politics, and so I would love to be able to explore all of the different conflicts and histories of this world so much more than we get to in Daughter of the Burning City.  I’m also super interested in learning more about the origins and the stories surrounding Gomorrah itself, as it is such a gorgeous setting that I don’t think I would ever get bored of reading about.


Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (19)

I feel like I just continuously read stories about each and every game Love and Death have ever played, as I am just in love with this idea, as well as Martha Brockenbrough’s superb execution of it.  I’d love to see all of the different ways the game has played out over the years, as well as to explore the way the relationship between love and death has changed as the years have gone by.

Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (18)

This one I had to include in this list both because I would just love to explore 17th century Amsterdam more, and I want to know so much more about the miniaturist herself and the mystery surrounding her.  I’d adore the chance to see what happened to the house and to the miniaturist next or how it all started in the very beginning, as it is just such an interesting and unique concept I am still so curious about.


Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (17)

Unlike a lot of the books on this, we actually do get to explore quite alot of this world within the three books in this series, and yet I would still jump at the chance to know even more about it.  This world and its history is just so intricate and intriguing that I would love to be able to read more about either period in this fictional world’s history, right from the pre-crossing through to Kelsea’s rule.

Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (16)

It is the idea of colour power that truly makes me desperate to explore more of this fictional world, as I find this magic system and its details so interesting and unique that I just want to know more and more.  I would also love to be able to learn even more about the origins of the stone plague and the conflict it caused between igniters and keepers.


Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (15)

I need to return to the island of Thisby and to discover more about the dangerous Scorpio Races that take place every year.  When and how did they start?  How have they changed the island?  What are some of the other stories and mysteries surrounding this gorgeous place?

Copy of Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (14)

How would anyone not want to learn more about the split city of Verity and the monsters that roam it?  Or about the other cities that have cut Verity off?  Victoria Schwab’s world is just so intriguing to me that I want to know everything I can about this spectacular fictional world.

flower 4

What fictional worlds do you want to know more about?  Do you agree with some of my choices?  Have you read any of these – what did you think?


4 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday Fifty Six – Top Ten Bookish Worlds I Want To Know More About

  1. I am with you on BONELESS MERCIES. It was a cool world and I would love to know more about the witches on the beach and all the different places that the main characters travel through. The THIS SAVAGE SONG world has always intrigued me, I just have never read any of the books yet. It sounds like a really interesting world though!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I haven’t had the chance to read any of these books yet, but I loved seeing the enthusiastic way you talked about all of them. Someday I hope you’ll get sequels to them.

    My TTT.

    Liked by 1 person

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